Raphael took me gently by the arm and led me to a small overlook. There he sat down on the grass, and I sat down beside him. The other two space brothers remained a short distance away from us and talked with Tina. I could see their hair moving in the wind, and also Tina's long hair, and her clothing. Great clouds scudded across the darkening skies. Raphael and the others seemed to pay them little heed.
"I, too, was given a pseudonym,"
said Raphael.
"I was named Ramu, but it is well that itshould now be known who I really am. What Earth brothers must know is the role that theHeavenly Father has entrusted to us from the dawn of time, in order that their salvation onthis planet might be brought about."
I was impressed with the magnanimity and simplicity that radiated from this person. A perfect balance was manifest in all his actions; wisdom and knowledge in all his thoughts. His amiability was sincere and natural.
"The brothers who are waiting below,"
he added, referring to our four companions who had accompanied us to the foot of the mountain,
"will receive adequate reassurance that ourmeeting took place."
He spoke in perfect Italian, without any trace of an accent. I knew that he need not speak in order to communicate, but it pleased me greatly that he did so, as this made him seem more like one of us.
"The message which we give you," he said, "is for all men of good will on earth. This will becostly for you, for not everyone will believe you, understand you and love you. But we willstand by you and help you. It is an undertaking of love and salvation."
I had no doubt of the kindness and sincerity of his words, although the full import of all he said escaped me. I felt it was right to be concerned with love and salvation, and wanted to do all that I could for the good of others, whatever that might necessitate.
"We wanted to meet with you up here in the mountains, far from the physical and spiritualpollution of the city, in order to tell you that we are now beginning to become manifest to anever increasing number of Earth people. Some see us only as a lightning-fast streak crossingthe heavens; others see lights or signs, or have dreams or visions. To a few we showourselves, as is now your experience. The
result is that the news of our presence andmission is gradually made known to those who have not seen us. There is not much time tolose. If mankind does not see the folly of his behavior, then it is certain that very difficult timeslie ahead. This was forseen in the Scriptures, and some people know this to be true;unfortunately, most people do not believe it, thinking that what was written was only a fable."
He was silent and thoughtful for a while, and then resumed,
"Today there is a strong windblowing, but soon there will arise from the four corners of the Earth a much stormier wind thatwill sweep all clouds before it. The confusion that reigns over Earth today serves to convincebut a few persons that all the prophecies which we have given mankind to lead them towarda better life are about to be fulfilled. They have been ridiculed, misunderstood, despised, andeven repudiated. And yet, their words have always been fulfilled.""So much sorrow,"
he added, with a sigh,
"sorrow that Earth brothers could be spared if theycould set aside their pride and their reliance on destructive force. If you would renounce theuse of evil to fight evil, then your way would be shortened, and you would make enormousstrides toward the good."
The wind stormed about in gusts of fury that at times almost took our breath away. It shook the trees and furrowed the grass in the meadow. It seemed a harbinger of the stormy future
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